1.Describe the feeling many Americans had after WWI.
Many Americans were tired and exhausted of war.They were also tired of the changes of rights and unemployment many americans were unemployed without a job and the cost of living doubled.
2.What were some reactions by Americans to post their post-WWI feelings?
The reactions by the Americans were really stressful and fearsul of outsiders.
3.What did the Palmer raids accomplish? why did Palmer do the raids?
The Palmer raids accomplished because they hunted down the suspected communists ,socialist, and anarchist. the palmer did the raids because to find political radical.
4.What did the KKK fear?Did their membership grow in the 1920's
The KKK feared that the immigrants came over and were going to take over their culture.Their membership grew in 1920 by having 150,000 members in the KKK.
5.What was the quota system?
A maximum number of people who could enter the United States from a foregin country
6.Was the quota system discriminatory?if yes whom?
Yess, the quota system descriminated the people from the eastern and southern Europe,Italy,Poland,Austria, Hungray,Ukraine.
7. How was Mexico affected by the quota system?
It was affected by the quota system by 500,000 Mexicans crossed then nations borders
8.How was Japan affected by the quota system?
Japan affected the quota system because of the Gentlements Agreement that limited emigration in the United States .